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Ad Format Integration

Here's how to integrate the supported ad formats in Unreal Engine. Each ad format has its own unique characteristics and implementation details.

Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that appear at natural transition points in your app.


  • Engaging full-screen content
  • Media content can be static, video-based or interactive
  • Positive UX when placed at natural transition points


  1. Set up callbacks for the interstitial ads:
Interstitial Ad Callbacks Setup
Interstitial Ad Callbacks Setup
  1. Show the interstitial ad:
Show Interstitial Ad
Show Interstitial Ad

Ensure that:

  • The MAS SDK is initialized before loading interstitial ads
  • The ad is loaded before calling the ShowInterstitialAd() function

Best Practices

  1. Preload Ads: Always preload ads before showing them to ensure they're ready when needed.
  2. Use Placements: Set placement names when showing ads to track performance in the dashboard.
  3. Handle Failures: Implement proper error handling using the provided callbacks.
  4. User Experience: Place ads at natural transition points in your game.
  5. Testing: Test thoroughly on both Android and iOS platforms.