4.14.2 (2025-01-20)
📈 Ad Network
- Updated the DT Exchange (Fyber) SDK to version 8.3.5 to comply with Google Play policies.
4.14.1 (2024-12-09)
📈 Ad Network
- Optimized the ad strategy for COPPA users.
- Optimized the ad strategy for COPPA users.
- Updated Mintegral SDK to 7.7.3.
- Updated Liftoff Monetize SDK to 7.3.2.
4.14.0 (2024-10-29)
🐎 Optimizations
- Updated ExternalDependencyManager to 1.2.183.
Android & iOS & Unity
- Added a new method
to allow the developers to present UMP privacy options form ad-hoc. - Add a new method
to allow the developers to read consent choices from local storage after GDPR consent has been collected. - Optimize the initialization method so that developers can determine whether the user belongs to GDPR countries using the method
📈 Ad Network
- Updated all ad networks.
- Added Moloco and YSO network.
- Added Tradplus client bidding support.
- Update all ad networks.
- Added Moloco and YSO networks.
- Added Tradplus client bidding support.
- Added ToBid mediation to improve Ad performance in China region.
- Removed Yandex ad network.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed minor UI issue with element arrow not showing correctly in debugger tools.
4.13.2 (2024-08-29)
✨ Features
Android & iOS & Unity
- Added support for Impression-Level revenue tracking.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash issues caused due to proguard rules
- Fixed ad network bidding issue for CN ad networks.
- Fixed issues with Xcode 15.2 and cloud builds on TestFlight.
4.13.1 (2024-07-02)
🐛 Bug Fixes
Android & iOS
- Fixed the crash issues in report ads feature.
4.13.0 (2024-07-01)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash issues when both Amazon and BIGO ads are enabled.
🐎 Optimizations
- Added pre-requisite for the developers to use the SDK.
📈 Ad Network
Android & iOS
- Added BIGO ads bidding support for app open and banner ads.
- Upgraded all ad network SDKs.
4.12.0 (2024-05-20)
🐎 Optimizations
Android & iOS
- Improved GDPR and CCPA verification rules.
- Upgraded external dependency manager to v1.2.179.
- Added a workaround for certain Unity Editor versions that cause the issue of CFVersion string to be empty.
📈 Ad Network
- Added support for BIGO Ads bidding.
- Removed Kidoz network.
4.11.0 (2024-01-30)
✨ Features
- Upgraded ad networks.
- Remove MyTarget network.
- Added support for Google bidding and CSJ for App Open Ad format.
- Upgrade to latest Pangle version.
- Added support for Yandex bidding.
🐎 Optimizations
- Removed Ad review feature.
- Removed conflict manager feature.
- Removed support for V1 API.
- Upgraded compileSdkVersion to version 33.
- Added an enableATTAuthorization switch: true for enabling ATT authorization, false for disabling ATT authorization.
- Implemented bidmachine tracking in the dynamic network feature (customSDKConfig).
- Removed unused "adRequest" event.
- Removed support for V1 API.
- Fixed and optimized the debugger tool.
- Added an enableATTAuthorization switch: YES for enabling ATT authorization, NO for disabling ATT authorization.
- Disabled automatic initialization of the Yandex SDK.
- Implemented bidmachine tracking in the dynamic network feature (customSDKConfig).
- Removed unused "adRequest" event.
- Optimized ANR issues.
- Removed support for V1 API.
- Fixed and optimized the debugger tool.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Updated the UMP dialog to pop up before the ATT dialog for compliance.
- Fixed crash issues related to ad loading due to cache.
4.10.1 (Android Only, 2023-11-08)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the privacy dialog config issue
4.10.0 (2023-10-24)
✨ Features
Unity & Android & iOS
- Add a switch to enable UMP privacy feature.
- Check necessary configuration information during MAS SDK initialization.
🐎 Optimizations
- Optimize initialization logic for weak network environments.
- Optimize ad performance in China Mainland.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed known issues
📈 Ad Network
- Added BidMachine to AppLovin MAX.
4.9.2 (2023-09-04)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed ActionBar/ToolBar/TitleBar being displayed on fullscreen ads and blocking the close buttons.
4.9.1 (2023-08-16)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Updated Fyber network version to fix the crash issue.
4.9.0 (2023-08-07)
✨ Features
Android & iOS
- Integrated the UMP SDK to comply with GDPR policy.
- Removed AdMob mediation and IronSource mediation.
- Updated networks.
- Made V1 API obsolete and collected the game key of users who were using it.
- Modified default links and updated UI for privacy dialog.
- Made V1 API obsolete.
🐎 Optimizations
Android & iOS
- Optimized CI process.
- Refetched AdMob ID during the build process.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue of rewriting the dependency file when manually downloaded.
- Fixed the issue of customized ANR collection in the ANR plugin.
📈 Ad Network
Upgraded all network SDKs.
4.8.10 (2023-06-12)
✨ Features
Android & iOS
- Added debugger tool feature.
- Added debugger tool feature.
- Added dynamic ad networks management feature.
🐎 Optimizations
- Removed unused library watchdog from SDK.
- Removed ExoPlayer library reference from MAX.
🐛 Bug Fixes
Android & iOS
- Fixed issues with reporting ads.
📈 Ad Network
Android & iOS
- Added Mintegral and Pangle/CSJ to AdMob mediation and IronSource mediation.
4.8.9 (2023-04-20)
✨ Features
Android & iOS
- Added report ad feature.
🐎 Optimizations
Changed ad networks in MAS SDK Lite.
4.8.8 (2023-03-27)
📈 Ad Network
Upgraded ad networks.
4.8.7 (2023-03-03)
✨ Features
Android & iOS
- Added support for AppOpenAd in MAX mediation.
- Added Kidoz in MAX mediation and IronSource mediation.
- Revamped test ads rendering logic in MAS SDK.
- Controlled the printing of debug logs in Android/iOS logging.
- Supported hiding sensitive logs.
- Added a new ad placement (App resume) for app open ads.
- Added Google Ad Manager support for rewarded interstitial ads.
🐎 Optimizations
- Added AdOpeningEvent before showing IV/RV/RIV/AppOpenAd (Support from API V2).
🐛 Bug Fixes
Android & iOS
- Limited and auto-delayed adfailedtoLoad callback for all ad formats when adconfig is null.
4.8.6 (2023-02-17)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Complied with Google Play's Families Policy using AdMob.
- Thoroughly fixed the bug that adConfig cache update failed.
- Made the build compatible with Unity 2022.2.
4.8.5 (2023-01-16)
🐛 Bug Fixes
Android & iOS
- Fixed the bug where the developer calls appopenad loadad in the onAppOpenAdFailedToLoad method when adconfig is null, causing an endless loop. Now the number of retries is restricted to 10 if ad config is null.
- Fixed crash issue caused by ThinkingData SDK.
4.8.4 (2022-12-26)
✨ Features
- Added IronSource Mediation to family SDK and removed applovinMAX Mediation from family SDK.
4.8.3 (2022-12-16)
🐛 Bug Fixes
Android & iOS
- Fixed the bug where adConfig cache fails to update.
4.8.2 (2022-12-09)
🐎 Optimizations
- Replaced Sensors Data SDK with Thinking Data SDK for analytics.
- Optimized loading time of appOpenAd.
- Replaced Sensors Data SDK with Thinking Data SDK for analytics.
- Optimized loading time of appOpenAd.
- Optimized the liquidity performance of Pangle CN.
📈 Ad Network
Android & iOS
- Added Google Ad Manager support for App Open ads.
- Upgraded AdMob SDK to the latest version in MAS SDK.
4.8.1 (2022-11-25)
🐎 Optimizations
- Cached the Configuration to Optimize the SDK Init Time Taken.
- Enhanced ANR Collection Logic to Avoid Duplicated ANR Logs.
- Cached the Configuration to Optimize the SDK Init Time Taken.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the ANR issue caused by the sendMessage API.
📈 Ad Network
Android & iOS
- Added Mintegral to AppLovin MAX.
- Removed the Tapjoy network.
4.8.0 (2022-11-04)
✨ Features
Android & iOS & Unity
- Supported App Open ads and Rewarded Interstitial ads.
🐎 Optimizations
Added AD_ID permission in Family SDK to transmit adult GAID because of Android 13.
📈 Ad Network
Upgraded all network SDKs.
4.7.7 (2022-09-26)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug in default IV/RV.
- Fixed the bug in default IV/RV.
📈 Ad Network
- Updated Yandex network version from 5.1.1 to 5.3.0.
4.7.6 (2022-09-15)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Removed the MyTracker library of the MyTarget SDK to fix the GP warning.
4.7.5 (2022-08-29)
✨ Features
- Added capping and pacing for IV.
- Started collecting Unity engine and version.
- Added capping and pacing for IV.
- Started collecting Unity engine and version.
🐎 Optimizations
- Optimized the display logic of test ads. Test advertisements will be displayed as long as the test mode is turned on, regardless of the advertisement configuration.
- Supported two more languages (Chinese Simplified + Chinese Traditional) in the native privacy dialog.
- Upgraded to the latest version (4.10.0) of the OkHttp library.
- Added ANR optimization solution from AdMob.
- Optimized the display logic of test ads. Test advertisements will be displayed as long as the test mode is turned on, regardless of the advertisement configuration.
- Supported two more languages (Chinese Simplified + Chinese Traditional) in the native privacy dialog.
- Supported muting audio in iOS when IV or RV ads are displayed.
📈 Ad Network
- Brought back IronSource mediation in Android and ensured UnityAds compliance.
4.7.3 (2022-07-13)
🐎 Optimizations
- Supported Android API 30 builds.
4.7.2 (2022-07-08)
🐎 Optimizations
- Optimized the time interval for IV/RV auto-loading.
- Optimized the time interval for IV/RV auto-loading.
4.7.1 (2022-07-05)
✨ Features
- Disabled the HTTP/DNS solution to decrease the DAU from weak internet.
- Fixed privacy dialog crash when the screen orientation is changed.
4.7.0 (2022-06-30)
✨ Features
- Refactored Interstitial & Rewarded Video ad APIs.
- Integrated ANR tracking.
- Upgraded ad network SDKs.
- Removed Ironsource mediation.
- Optimized SDK initiation process to reduce initialization failures.
- Changed the maximum age of the privacy dialog to 120.
- Fixed "I Agree" button not showing properly after localization.
- Refactored Interstitial & Rewarded Video ad APIs.
- Supported custom Tencent ad network.
- Upgraded ad network SDKs.
- Changed the maximum age of the privacy dialog to 120.
- Refactored Interstitial & Rewarded Video ad APIs.
- Upgraded ExternalDependencyManager to version 1.2.172.
- Removed unnecessary warning messages from the Unity editor.
4.6.6 (2022-04-27)
✨ Features
- Added a new API to get the user's age.
- Added a new API to get the user's age.
- Added a new API to get ATT status.
- Added ATT option tracking in sensor data.
- Added a new API to get the user's age.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed canvas sorting order for test ads in the Unity editor.
- Fixed the callback issue of IV and RV when using NoCode RV or IV button.
- Changed the default value of COPPA to FALSE.
- Fixed the crash issue of age verification pop-up.
4.6.5 (2022-04-15)
🐎 Optimizations
- Optimized for Android API 31 support in Unity 2019 and below versions.
Android & iOS
- Improved the privacy dialog UI experience and added click effects to hyperlinks and the confirm button.
4.6.4 (2022-04-08)
🐎 Optimizations
- Upgraded FAN to 6.9.0 to fix the MAS and FB Login or Share SDK conflict issue.
4.6.3 (2022-04-06)
🐛 Bug Fixes
Android & iOS
- Upgraded AppLovin to 11.3.2 to fix the rewarded ads not callbacking the rewards of AppLovin.
4.6.2 (2022-04-01)
🐎 Optimizations
- Complied with Families data practices.
- Marked the Banner V1 API as deprecated.
- Marked the Banner V1 API as deprecated.
- Marked the Banner V1 API as deprecated.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the BG Color not working for test native ads on iOS.
4.6.1 (2022-03-25)
🐎 Optimizations
- Supported multiple languages in the Privacy Popup.
- Added a new event named "AppStart" for DAU.
- Added Android 12 (API 31) support.
- Upgraded play-services-tasks version to 18.0.1.
- Supported multiple languages in the Privacy Popup.
- Added a new event named "AppStart" for DAU.
- Supported predefined positions for native ads.
- Added logs for auto pausing game and audio.
📈 Ad Network
Android & iOS
- Upgraded ad network SDKs.
- Added Google Play Families compliance of UnityAds.
4.6.0 (2022-03-10)
✨ Features
Unity (4.6.0-rc.1)
- Added support for Native Ads (Small and Medium templates)
- Added support for A4G-Google Ad manager
- Added support for MAS Lite version
- Developers can now customize the SDK age verification pop-up
- Added support for multiple and multi-size test banner ads in Unity Editor.
Android (4.6.0)
- Added support for Native Ads (Small and Medium templates)
- Added support for A4G-Google Ad manager
- Added support for MAS Lite version
- Developers can now customize the SDK age verification pop-up
iOS (4.6.0-rc.1)
- Added support for Native Ads (Small and Medium templates)
- Added support for A4G-Google Ad manager
- Added support for MAS Lite version
- Developers can now customize the SDK age verification pop-up
🐛 Bug Fixes
Unity (4.6.0-rc.1)
- Fixed an exception caused while pausing and resuming game audio while ads are playing.
Android (4.6.0)
- Fixed the data event issue at the SDK end
- Fixed the FrameLayout crash issue
- Fixed the privacy dialog that could not be displayed with a small probability
- Fixed the Google warning issue caused by Tapjoy
- Fixed the ExoPlayer crash caused by AppLovin
iOS (4.6.0-rc.1)
- Fixed the data event issue at the SDK end
📈 Ad Network
- Upgraded all ad network SDKs
- Removed AdColony from MAS SDK
- Added support for IronSource in the Family SDK
- Upgraded all ad network SDKs
- Removed AdColony from MAS SDK
4.5.0 (2022-01-18)
✨ Features
- Added a no-code integration feature to the Unity Plugin
- Added support for test ads in Unity editor (standard banner)
- Added support for pausing the game when interstitial or reward ads are playing (Unity Engine+Android)
🐎 Optimizations
Android & iOS
- Optimized Yodo1 Mediation banner
- Upgraded the banner impression calculation method
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the adPlacement name field missing issue of the ad impression event
- Fixed crashes related to threads
- Fixed the issue of the test RV ad not being able to close because of the close button rendering behind the phone charging level
4.4.5 (2021-12-06)
✨ Features
Android & iOS
- Added support for multiple banners in one scene
- Added support for multiple banners in one scene
- Removed the Appkey from the Unity Integration Process for Live Games
📈 Ad Network
- Upgraded Yandex
- iOS: 4.3.0 -> 4.4.2
- Android: 4.3.0 → 4.4.0
4.4.0 (2021-11-18)
✨ Features
Android, iOS, & Unity
- Added new Banner API V2. Please refer to the documentation in the following links:
- Added support for banner sizing.
🐎 Optimizations
- Upgraded ExternalDependencyManager from 1.2.164 to 1.2.167
- Removed Assets/Plugins/Android/Yodo1Ads.aar file
🐛 Bug Fixes
Android & iOS
- Fixed the banner test ads issue (The issue was that the developer didn't choose to use the banner ads in the dashboard, but they could see the test ads.)
4.3.2 (2021-10-22)
✨ Features
Android & iOS
- Implemented adaptive banner in our test ads
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the Neutral age-gate (default age is 0)
- Fixed the ConstraintLayout crash
- Fixed the Receiver crash
- Fixed AppLovin ANRs
- Fixed the Neutral age-gate (default age is 0)
- Fixed the crash issue caused by FBSDKCoreKit_Basics
📈 Ad Network
- Upgraded ad networks.
4.3.1 (2021-09-24)
✨ Features
- Added Applovin's Ad Review feature (Only for Unity)
Android & iOS
- Updated data event on SDK end
- Added responseCode and failureMessage properties to adInit event
- Added new adPrivacy event
🐎 Optimizations
- Changed the Assets/Plugins/Android/Yodo1Ads module to Yodo1Ads.aar for better compatibility with Unity 2020 and above
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed Android automatic privacy compliance text issue. Changed "Please provide your age,we" to "Please provide your age, we"
4.3.0 (2021-09-09)
✨ Features
- Automatic privacy compliance
- Unity plugin now automatically updates the SkAdNetwork IDs
🐎 Optimizations
- -100501 issue optimized to be compatible with lacks game versions
- Optimized code to avoid crashes in special cases
📈 Ad Network
- Ad networks upgrade
- Removed IronSource from Family SDK
4.2.3 (2021-08-18)
✨ Features
- Unity plugin now automatically adds AppLoin (Android) crash solution
4.2.2 (2021-08-12)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the crash issue of AppLovin (iOS)
- Fixed the black screen issue of AppLovin (iOS)
4.2.0 (2021-06-30)
✨ Features
- Added AppLovin MAX adaptive banner
- Unity plugin now has SDK conflict detection
🐎 Optimizations
- Banner ad API optimization
- Native SDK dependency resolution optimization
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that the banner position offset parameter is invalid
- Fixed the issue that the banner ads in the test ads lack some event callbacks
- Fixed the issue that COPPA method does not work
- Fixed the banner ad causing a black screen issue
📈 Ad Network
- Ad networks upgrade
4.1.0 (2021-05-04)
✨ Features
- Test Ads and Test Mode
- You may use test mode to ensure the integration is successful and your ad placements are functioning correctly.
- Test Device Management
- You can easily manage test devices for your apps.
- SDK Integration Validation
- You can check many details of the integration process, such as MAS SDK Version, Appkey, Bundle ID, AdMob ID, initialization status, and more test mode details.