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Godot Integration

This page guides you through the process of downloading, importing, and configuring the Yodo1 MAS SDK for Godot.


To integrate the Yodo1 MAS SDK on Godot, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum API Level 23 or above
  • Target API Level 33 or above
  • compileSdkVersion 33 or above
  • Android Gradle plugin version 7.4.2 or above
  • Gradle 7.5.1 or above
  • If you use ProGuard, please refer to the documentation

Plugin Installation

  1. Configure, install, and enable the "Android Custom Template"

  2. Add the following files in res://android/Plugins folder:

    • GodotYodo1Mas.1.0.1.release.aar
    • GodotYodo1Mas.gdap

    You can download these files from Github.

Configure Build Settings

Update build.gradle

  1. Open the build.gradle file in res://android/build

  2. Add the following maven repositories:

repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }

dependencies {
implementation 'com.yodo1.mas:full:4.14.2'
  1. Enable multidex in your defaultConfig:
android {
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true

Update AndroidManifest.xml

Add your AdMob ID to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file. You can find your AdMob ID under the "details" of your app on the MAS Dashboard.

<!-- Sample AdMob ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~123456789 -->


Add the following property to your file:


Configure the SDK

  1. Copy the script and use it in your project. It is a helper script that allows you to easily use the Yodo1 MAS SDK. Github 1.1 - Attach the script to any node and enter the App Key, you can find the App Key in MAS Dashboard in the "Management" > "Games" section.

    Godot Configuration
    Godot Configuration
  2. Initialize the Privacy frameworks, this is already added in the script.

    Privacy Frameworks Setup
    Privacy Frameworks Setup
  3. Initialize the SDK. This is already added in the script.

    Initialize SDK
    Initialize SDK